Sunday, September 8, 2013

How do the things I say affect me and those around me?

-Start off with having the girls read Matthew 26:34-35, 69-75

Just as a passport photo, a signature, or a thumbprint can identify individuals, Peter’s speech revealed who he was and where he had been reared. Just as surely are you classified and put in a special category by those who hear the words you speak. Our speech reflects the kind of person we are, exposing our background and our way of life. It describes our thinking as well as our inner feelings. –Elder L. Tom Perry

-How does our speech identify us either as a follower of Christ, and how should our speech be different then others?


Joanna was one of only three members of the Church in her high school and the only young woman in her ward. She committed to herself and the Lord that she would never use bad language. When she was paired with a young man for a school project who had not made the same commitment, she did not lower her standards. She asked him to respect and honor her values. Over time, with many gentle and some not-so-gentle reminders, her friend formed new habits and used cleaner language. Many people noticed the difference, including his father, who thanked Joanna for being a good influence in his son’s life. –Sister Dibb

-No cussing club VIDEO

-Joanna and McKay didn’t allow their friends to change the way they spoke. Instead they helped them to be better by setting the good example and challenging them to be different. I know that standing up for what is right can be scary, but it is what the Lord would want you to do.

-Have the girls share an experience of when they stood up for what was right even when it was scary.

“My young friends, be strong. … You know what is right and what is wrong, and no disguise, however appealing, can change that. … If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone.” –President Monson


In all of this, I suppose it goes without saying that negative speaking so often flows from negative thinking, including negative thinking about ourselves. We see our own faults, we speak—or at least think—critically of ourselves, and before long that is how we see everyone and everything. No sunshine, no roses, no promise of hope or happiness. Before long we, and everybody around us, are miserable. –Elder Jeffery R. Holland

-How does it make you feel when someone speaks or jokes negatively to you, or how does you acting that way effect others?

"We need more of the distinctive, influential voices and faith of women. We need you to learn the doctrine and to understand what we believe so that you can bear your testimonies about the truth of all things—whether those testimonies be given around a campfire at girls’ camp, in a testimony meeting, in a blog, or on Facebook. Only you can show the world what women of God who have made covenants look like and believe." -Elder Ballard

-Give the girls the Challenge paper and ask them to sign it and keep it in a place where they will see it often to remind themselves of their promise to “Guard their speech” with no cussing and only speaking positively to themselves and to others.


  1. I think this is great. Do you mind if I use the guarded tongue certificate in my class tomorrow?

    1. Of course! I hope you did! What did your girls think?

  2. Awesome! Thank you for sharing your talents with me and my girls as I am "swiping" this:)
